property insurance claim procedure and rights...

property insurance claims information (hurricane maría)
General Insurance claims are an adversarial process between the insurance company and the insured party. Do not be fooled, each…our services
The Offices of j.é fullana & assoc. planning, zoning, land use ordinance and permitting land use attorneys zoning requirement assessments…resources
Here you have some Puerto Rico's legal and regulatory resources and information regarding permitting, zoning, planning: planning and zoning laws…contact us
Have a question? Want to know more? Please don't hesitate to contact us, we'll be glad to help or guide…what's going on??

Published on August 3, 2018. This article is intended as a guide to real estate due diligence in Puerto Rico, by no means is it an exhaustive list of things to do. Any prospective buyer should seek adequate counsel from professionals and should not skimp out in what they invest in due diligence. The article […]
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For months now, we’ve been awaiting for OGPe to publish the new, updated and best ever!! Reglamento Conjunto, in other words Puerto Rico’s new land use ordinance. Now we’re up to the third iteration of a “Reglamento Conjunto” under Act 161 of 2009, as amended, since 2010. That comes up to one major overhaul of […]
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Published on February 23, 2018. Today an article published by Puerto Rico’s El Nuevo Día here, reports on a series of fines levied at insurance companies in Puerto Rico, due to their delay in processing claims related to hurricane Maria. The total amount of fines, according to the article, is $2.4 million and […]
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